Cornell Dining, Towering Above the Rest


Cornell University strives to provide nutritionally rich meals for all students, faculty, parents, and visitors to the campus. Select a dining facility to look up the nutritional information of each item offered and plan your meals.

Filter out items based on specific allergens or diet preferences by checking the corresponding options, then add items to a meal and see a summary of the nutritional information by clicking the "Meal Nutrition" button.

Baked goods are high risk for cross contact. Some food items may be produced on shared equipment and/or in shared oil. If you have a food allergy, please notify us.

Dining Facilities

Specialty Grab & Go Meals

Halal Meals, Soups, Muffins, Cookies, Baked Goods

Retail items prepared at Risley are gluten-free, tree nut free and peanut free under the Kitchens with Confidence AllerCheck Approved program.

If you have a food allergy, please notify us. We do our best to identify foods that contain allergens. However, there is a risk of cross contact or product changes that may impact allergens. Guests with food allergies should be aware of these risks.
Cornell Dining, Towering Above the Rest
My Meal